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Hi from Banff Canada


iPF Noob
May 4, 2010
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Banff Canada
Got my iPad for my 65th birthday here in Honolulu. Will be bringing it back to Banff to show off to my Council and friends. I use a Palm Pre smartphone (which I love) but this iPad brings me into another community. I'm hooked.
Outstanding. To be in Hawaii & to be playing around with the sexiest device on the market! (grin) - You are in great days my friend...welcome to the forum!
I'm jealeous my friend....Hawaii.....it was freezing cold here the last couple of days.....
Welcome from Europe.
Welcome! Sounds like you got a good thing going for sure!

My wife has a Pre, but she is jealous of my iPhone ;)

We both really enjoy our ipads though.......
Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!:)
Got my iPad for my 65th birthday here in Honolulu. Will be bringing it back to Banff to show off to my Council and friends. I use a Palm Pre smartphone (which I love) but this iPad brings me into another community. I'm hooked.

Hey there,

Love Banff my fav spot in the Rockies..and I'm just down the road :p

Am hoping to get my iPad before I got to Hawaii but am wondering how useful you found it there. I'm getting the wifi only one so mainly I'm wondering if there are alot of free wifi spots around? Any feedback/advice you have is welcome :)

P.S What is your Avatar, I know that sign from somewhere..is it the Banff Town Council sign?
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Wow - Hawaii, an iPad, and Banff. Any one of those three items would make for a good lifestyle! ;)
My avatar is the Town of Banff logo. I'm the Mayor of Banff, so why not. As for WiFi in Hawaii, I was in Honolulu and there are lots of hotspots. Just google it or download a free WiFi locator app onto your iPad and you'll find them. Aloha!

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