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Hi everyone


iPF Noob
Mar 14, 2012
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Glad I found this firum because I bet there will be lots to talk about in the future!​
Hi Jch...Oh there certainly will be lots to talk about here on the forum...especially tomorrow. The big day...of the ipad!!

Welcome to the iPadForum! This Forum offers so much information related to the iPad (original-New), Acessories, Apps, Help, and Apple News.

The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. This is a wonderful area to "find" members from your own country.
Regional iPad Groups

If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5 Guideline Manual. iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5 by Apple Inc.

Finally, please do not forget to read the Rules!
Forum rules - everybody please read!!
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