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Hi All!


iPF Noob
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Bethpage, NY
I've been involved with Apple since the days of the Apple II. Through the Apple //e to the Apple IIGS onward to the Lisa and then the Mac, I have used and/or owned almost every Mac model through today's Intel and even took a sidetrip to Newton land and of course I brought an iPhone into my life.

For many years I ran what was then the largest online user's group in the world -- the MAUG Apple Forums on the CompuServe network. Spent about twenty years there helping people understand the Mac, myself learning from others, having a ball and giving the Apple online community somewhat of a home. Started and ran MacUser Magazine. Got to know many of the people behind the Mac, had a really enjoyable time.

So now I'm waiting in line for the iPad announcement, waiting to go to my email and get the auto-note from Apple to go and put my pre-order on file. And, meanwhile, I'll be joining the community here which already looks to be top-notch and rewarding.

Hi to all and onward to the iPad!

-- Neil
Heh, awesome and Welcome Neil Shapiro!

Is that magazine still in print? Ever think of bringing it to the iPad as a new multimedia interface issue?

Everyone could be a big time publisher when it comes to iPad content. Make it informative and entertaining enough, heck you might have all kinds of subscribers and even create types of in app updates or purchases. :ipad-movie:
Oh, I am sure there will be a magazine or two for the iPad at some point but probably not a print one for a long time. For a print magazine you really need a pretty big installed user base to draw your subscribers from. Only by having thousands (at least) of subscribers -- or at least being able to make the case you will have shortly -- can you charge enough for ads to survive. So I would guess at least a year after it comes out before the first print magazine appears. On the other hand, that's why the Web is so great. There may not even be any need for a print magazine once enough sites (led by iPad Forums of course) get started. After all, if you have an iPad by definition you are surfing the web!
Good to have you! Never heard about that site, mostly because i never searched it.:p Welcome to the site..lets hope this becomes the best site!:)
Hi Neil, I saw a few of your posts on MR. I hang on there mostly in the lounge you'll find me with the name yvanleterrible.

Welcome, talking books with you will be fun!
Hi Neil, Welcome to the forum! I've been searching non-stop today for a preorder announcement and haven't seen anything yet :(
Welcome Neil!

It's cool to have a celebrity on the forum!
You need to start-up Mac iPad eZine for all the iPad buyer/users to subscribe to.

I started with Apple about the same time as you did, however my only claim to fame is image color correcting and electronic stripping:)

Welcome to the site Neil... and I like your avatar iVan!
Welcome to the site Neil... and I like your avatar iVan!
Thank you JohnnyApple!

I made it in Photoshop. Make all text in separate layers then transfer everything in Image Ready. Then set times for all layers to be specified on or off. Save everything as a GIF at the right resolution and it's done. Total time 1 1/2 hours.

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