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Help with btstack mouse


iPF Noob
Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
Hey all , I've got the btstack mouse installed and it does work but after a few mins seems to turn off or loose connectivity with the mouse, I use my iPad as a plex media centre plugged in to the tv so the mouse I thought would work for remote use :( anything Ive got set up wrong? Or another mouse app that will work? Hope someone can help
Look on Cydia for "Prevent Sleep." I'm sure it is a free app, and should keep your pad from loosing its connection with the mouse and mouse app. Let me know what comes of it. I'm sorry it's been a couple of days for you. I've been not keeping as close track of the board as usual. Good luck.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks perfect i will take a look for it !

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