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Hello from Sonny

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
My name is Sonny Burnett, I was in South Florida in the 80's then moved to California in the 90's, now I am in Boston and can't wait to get my hands on an iPad.
Iapd Is the best

My name is Sonny Burnett, I was in South Florida in the 80's then moved to California in the 90's, now I am in Boston and can't wait to get my hands on an iPad.

Hi Sonny welcome here with us, don't hesitate to ask all question you , ahev and of course to share you're knowledge with us
Oh i thought it said sony..lol. Oh well, none the less welcome to the site!:) Im david, nice to meet ya sonny!:D

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