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Greetings from Chicago!


iPF Noob
Jul 20, 2010
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Greetings, just got my 16g wifi iPad yesterday and am liking it so far. Looking forward to eventually getting iOS 4 on it, if it comes out.

Just hope that apple doesn't make you pay for it like they do for iPod touch owners.
Just hope that apple doesn't make you pay for it like they do for iPod touch owners.
If you paid for iOS4 for your iPod Touch, I hope you got some candy and flowers with it because you got screwed!

Oh, and welcome to the forum!
Just hope that apple doesn't make you pay for it like they do for iPod touch owners.
If you paid for iOS4 for your iPod Touch, I hope you got some candy and flowers with it because you got screwed!

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

I was referring to the fact that when Apple would update the iPhone, you would have to pay for it on the iPod touch.

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