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Getting my iPad to remember usernames and passwords?


iPF Noob
Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Just got my 1st iPad and have been adding all my bookmarks for websites but for some reason it is not saving the usernames and passwords.

So how do I get it to remember them? I am using the browser that is already on it.
hey, not sure what you've managed to find so far, but for remembering your apple password, for downloading apps from the app store and other apple pop up logins; have you tried PasswordPilot? It's available in cydia, allows your device to copy your apple password into the box for you without having to keep typing it in, then all you need to do is press "ok" on the popup.
hey, not sure what you've managed to find so far, but for remembering your apple password, for downloading apps from the app store and other apple pop up logins; have you tried PasswordPilot? It's available in cydia, allows your device to copy your apple password into the box for you without having to keep typing it in, then all you need to do is press "ok" on the popup.

Many thanks for that.

I will try that out about the Apple password thing as it comes up a lot when i download a app.

i still have not worked out how to get it to remember usernames and passwords for websites like forums and all that.

Also I've just looked for the password pilot in iTunes and can not find it so is it in iTunes?
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Go to apple.stackexchange.com/questions/13333/can-i-make-safari-under-ipad-save-passwords. I couldn't hyperlink it because this is my first post ;)
I also have a problem on almost all sites that I have used passwords and screen names...help.
Go to the Settings app, and select safari. There will be a section called "Autofill", and you can enable it to save your passwords and auto-fill your personal information taken from the address book.
Hope I put this in the correct place.Since I am a senior I can not get around well with this iPad..but,thanks...tried the auto fill.But it seems when I go to like qvc or abc..etc.always says wrong sign in ...boot...!

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