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Geotagged photos


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
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First, i will say that i got my ipad yesterday, and i am definitely liking it so far. But I had a question,.... Is there any way to view a map screen where it shows where all your photos have been taken? I thought I ran across this at some point but I can't seem to get back where I was....unless maybe I'm losing my mind....
Yes, you can view a map of geo-located photos in the app. There is a Places tab on the main screen which brings up a map. My daughter and wife are using the iPad right now so I cannot give a better description, but it should be there. My only thought is that if you have no geo-located photos maybe that tab does not appear.
That's what I thought. I had a few photos on my iPad yesterday and I saw the places icon. (but is it in the photos app or the maps app?) since yesterday ive synced all of my photos to my iPad, but the places icon has disappeared. I've looked extensively in the maps app and the photos app. I'm at a loss at this point. Unless I'm not seeing or doing something painfully obvious...?
Something must be wrong with my iPad I guess because I don't have a faces or places icon... I guess I can try and restore my iPad and see if that does the trick. Thanks for your help though
Actually, I think I know why I don't see the places or faces icon under my photos app. The places icon disappears when I sync to my iPhotos application on my Mac. I am sure the reason it does this is because I do not have iLife 09, which includes the latest version of iPhoto. The only way I can get "places" to appear under my photos app is to copy ALL my photos to a created folder and sync that whole folder to my iPad. I still don't have the faces icon, but the places icon is there when I do this. Unfortunately I lose the right to have albums and what not when I sync to the folder, and not iPhoto. Anyways I thought I'd share this information with anyone Else who may be experiencing this issue....
Something must be wrong with my iPad I guess because I don't have a faces or places icon... I guess I can try and restore my iPad and see if that does the trick. Thanks for your help though
it hapend the same thing to me and i thought i wase losing my mind to ,one min the places are there and the next min after sync with iphoto i did not see the places no more and i wase devestated and wondering what the hell is going on and still didnt figer out yet how to get the faces ,places back , sometimes i get mad at the ipad for so many reasons there is so many things the ipad cant do ? !
GeoTagging is a neat feature in Photos... Taking it one notch up where as letting the camera do the work is even better. I have have a Nikon with built in geotag but there are devices coming out where you can attach them to the hot shoe and the geo tag is recorded on in meda file and places the photo automatically on your map... cool stuff,, my wife loves the dikens out of it

check this out

OhGizmo! Archive Hotshoe Geotagging For DSLRs

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