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Folders in Safari favorites


iPF Noob
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hen I rearrange folders in the Safari favorites list they won't stay put. I move them and they appear to be staying until the next time I drop down the list. I'm moving them by hitting "edit" and then dragging it. Is this not correct?
Only thing I can think of, is - are you pressing "Done" when you are finished? Cause if you just tap outside of the drop-down, I believe it's like canceling your work without saving the changes.

If you are doing that, then I don't know what's wrong and hope someone else can come along and assist...

I'm feeling like an idiot now. Thanks. I'll just go change my name and face and move to a different country.
Aw, c'mon, you're fine. Believe me you - some of the stories I could tell about discovering what should be "obvious" stuff on the iPad (and some wouldn't even be about me! :D).

Just glad to know it was an easy fix.

I thought I had it solved, but then Safari kept doing it again. I finally solved it by turning off the option to sync my bookmarks to the loud. I hope this helps someone else out there. P.S. How do I unsubscribe from threads in this app?


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