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Filling out a form


iPF Noob
Jun 17, 2013
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I am filling out an application on a web site. At one point it asks me to browse to find the document I want to upload.
I click there and the only options I can choose from to find this document is my camera roll. The document I want is an
attachment to an email. Is there a way to upload an attachment of an email to a form like this?

Thank you
The iCab Mobile browser might work. You will need to copy the attachment from Mail to iCab by tap-holding on it in Mail and using the Open In option. Once coppied you visit the site using iCab. The Browse button on the site should let you browse through files stored in iCab.

iCab's upload feature works with most sites, but not all. The only way to find out is to try.

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