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File Management and External media, Macs


iPF Novice
I keep having snarky issues with File Management on my iPad Pro.

I think that iPad / iPad OS have issues with nested folders, and with folders in general.

*If* I can fingertip drag a folder to a USB drive, things will look like they’re copying, but not all files will actually be copied, or I’ll get a silly error asking me to resolve 2 things with the same name (there are no duplicates)

I can’t AirDrop folders and if I use iTunes to Drag folders to my Mac’s desktop, I also get fails that seem to be related to duplicate file names on the desktop, where there is no naming conflict.

Does Apple simply want to “encourage” us to use iCloud? I do not want iCloud as part of my workflow. I get the benefits, I know how to use it, but I don’t want to.

How to others manage their files to and from their iPads?

Thank you!
I use a Kingston nucleum USB c powered hub and have successfully backed up from GoodReader to a SSD. I read extensively on this and the advice was that a powered hub must be used and not all work. The Kingston nucleum does work and the file structure remains as per original included nested folders.
Thank you, alexm1

Do you feel that GoodReader is a necessary part of that, or just happens to be what you use?
Yes, have done conventional backups directly from the files app just to see it work.
I keep all my work in good reader so that is the file I back up regularly.

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