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EMail Apps for iPad2


iPF Noob
May 26, 2011
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I really enjoy using my iPad2. The provided/built-in app has its limitations. I can receive an email with more than one attachment. But i cannot send an email with more than one attachment. I really need to be able to do this as I'm using my iPad for business purposes. I have checked the App Store but can't seem to find a "reliable" app. Does anybody know of a good email app which will allow me to send an email with more than one attachment?
I really enjoy using my iPad2. The provided/built-in app has its limitations. I can receive an email with more than one attachment. But i cannot send an email with more than one attachment. I really need to be able to do this as I'm using my iPad for business purposes. I have checked the App Store but can't seem to find a "reliable" app. Does anybody know of a good email app which will allow me to send an email with more than one attachment?

Really useful question. I have the same problem too.

What's your email provider? and How you have it setup?

I use gmail and setup as exchange and I don't have any of this issues.
Well, there are certainly some limitations but possible solutions!

I have my Yahoo Mail account setup in the Mail app - so far, I've sent out multiple images by going into the Photo app, selecting the images desired, and then the email option - seems to work.

You might want to better define your needs, e.g. do you want to send multiple attachments from the same app or from multiple apps, such as a document, photo, etc?

Just gave GoodReader a try, i.e. I had multiple different files stored there, selected a couple of them (a jpeg image and a PDF file) and was able to mail the combination to myself, both as separated and as a zip archive - not sure about the number or size limitations w/ this method, and does add some additional effort that likely would irritate a busy e-mailer.

However, I'll be quite interested in others' suggestions and potential solutions to this question. :)
GoodReader is one good solutions.

Another good solution is to use DropBox. You upload your attachments to DropBox, have it generate a link for you, and then place the link(s) in the email. This makes for speedy email delivery, and the the recipient can download the attachments at their convenience.

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