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Deleting spam automatically...?


iPF Noob
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hello, I used to have a facility that deleted the spam daily. Each day it would send to trash. Spam from a week ago or something like that. So it self managed and nevr got large. Then it was easy to delete all in one go from trash can, rather than having to highlight each one in spam and then delete (time consuming).
I must have done something because now spam is just building up as I dont delete and that auto facility isnt working....cannot find setting anywhere.
Has it gone?


Sent from my iPad using iPF
I use gmx.co.uk mail server, i find they are very good at detecting spam, and you can set up auto delete (iirc) on spam and deleted folders.

Likely there is an app if jail broken but i have not as yet so can't help there.
Usually, identifying and deleting spam is not something done on the iPad (with the Mail app). The iPad is a mirror of what you've got out on your server.

With that said - take a look at your actual mail account on the server. There should be a way to set it up so the server (read: your ISP) does the work of catching all the spam. Then, all you get to the iPad is stuff that has been vetted and cleared.

Mickey330 said:
Usually, identifying and deleting spam is not something done on the iPad (with the Mail app). The iPad is a mirror of what you've got out on your server.

With that said - take a look at your actual mail account on the server. There should be a way to set it up so the server (read: your ISP) does the work of catching all the spam. Then, all you get to the iPad is stuff that has been vetted and cleared.


Thans M, I will get onto that and hopefully get a fix!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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