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Cut and paste.

When you want to paste something, tap and hold a word, until this appears:


"Select" will highlight one word/number, "Select all" will highlight everything on that page/file:


When you release your finger, you'll see the options of the second screenshot. Tap "Copy". Then tap somewhere where you want to paste it, and hold until this appears:


Here, tap "Paste".

Cutting will start the same way, but instead of choosing "Copy", you tap "Cut", which will remove the highlighted part.
I guess I'm not understanding the reason why anyone would need it. Remember J.A. I'm pretty new at this, and even though I see cut & paste quite often is it something people find useful, because I've gotten by without thus far.
I rarely need "Cut", but "Paste" is very useful for me when I post a website link to the Apple Support site, e. g.
It's useful for moving text around in a document, or even a long post. If you've typed in several paragraphs and decide that the second one really should have been the last, you can select it, cut it, and then paste it to the bottom of the post.

It saves the step of having to go back and delete the now duplicated text.

Copy & Paste is more common, and is mostly about getting text from one app to another, or from one text entry field to another.

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