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Broken IPad2 screen


iPF Noob
I accidentally dropped my Ipad2 about a month ago and cracked the glass and damaged one corner. I have read in some postings on how Apple store have replaced damaged pads for free.

I have taken my Ipad to my local Apple store before reading any postings and what they told me is that they can sell me another one at a discounted price. The glass can't be replaced. I don't think they were being honest with me.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this without costing an arm and a leg? Considering that this unit was only purchased online from Apple about 4 months ago.
Can you to try another apple store? Or maybe a different person in the same store? I will give that a try :-)
If you read threads on this Forum you'll find many many instances of Members getting their iPads replaced for free after they've dropped them and broken the glass. Apple appears to have an unofficial unacknowledged, will deny if asked, one-time only, goodwill 'replace a dropped iPad' for free policy. Many store employees simply don't know about it, so you might need, as the previous poster suggested, to go to another store or ask, politely and humbly, to see the Manager. Remember, it's not a right - Apple are doing this 'out of the goodness of their heart' .....

Let us know how you get on...


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