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Best app for Microsoft office alternative?, and fonts for the iPad...


iPF Noob
Feb 19, 2012
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I recently got an iPad and am used to using MS Office for my documents and spreadsheets on my macbook. I was told to buy Pages and Numbers and do NOT find them comparable. I do not have certain fonts that I need and find that right now I have to completely change the way I put together a document.
The specific font I need is Book Antiqua. Is it even possible to get on my iPad?
I would appreciate any and all suggestions and ideas! Thanks!!
sorry. Pages and Numbers are as compatible as it gets - and no, they are not comparible in that you have to learn a few different ways of doing things - and you need a bluetooth keyboard to do serious word processing on an ipad. Book Antigua is not on the stock ipad. but they have Palatino, which I am told is pretty close.

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