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AT&T costs and sim location

Aaron stone

iPF Noob
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hello guys I have bought an iPad 3 before few days and was thinking to buy a AT&T sim my friends say its the best so I want to know its location and costs any website regarding it?I stay in India so 4g sims are not supported we'll,only AT&T 4G sims hope they support India too
Thanks in advance
Is any 1 gonna hel me :nerd face:

I'm sorry, it must be entirely my fault but I just do not understand what you are saying. If you are asking if anyone is going to help, I'm sure they will try to help you. But at least read the forum rules where you will see that you should give people at least a 48 hours chance to respond before you bump for a reply.
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You really have to give it more time, our members come from around the world. The member with the answer to your question may be offline or sleeping.
You should read rule 4.3, of the iPF rules, which governs bumping of posts.

4.3. Do not “bump” a post to attract attention to it. If, after 48 hours, you have not received a response on a question you may bump your post one (1) time. If you still do not receive a response send a private message (PM) to a moderator and ask for assistance. Bumping posts may subject the post to deletion.
The OB said:
I'm sorry, it must be entirely my fault but I just do not understand what you are saying. If you are asking if anyone is going to help, I'm sure they will try to help you. But at least read the forum rules where you will see that you should give people at least a 48 hours chance to respond before you bump for a reply.

My bad sorry for that.and ya I meant Is there any website which has the plans of AT&T like 3 Mbps for 50 dollars

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