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Apple's Q2 Results: $13.6B Profit on $58B Revenue, iPhone Sales up 40% to 61.2M, iPad Sales Down 23%


News Team
Jun 22, 2012
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apple q2 earnings.jpg

Yesterday, we were discussing with you a bit of news which was saying that Apple was all set for a new record quarter. However, this seemed unlikely at the time, since we are way past the lucrative holiday season. But Apple has announced the official results during its earnings conference call, and it seems the business is even better for the company.

For its fiscal 2015 second quarter which has ended March 28, 2015, Apple has posted quarterly revenue of $58 billion and quarterly net profit of $13.6 billion, or $2.33 per diluted share, compared to revenue of $45.6 billion and net profit of $10.2 billion, or $1.66 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Thus, the company increased its revenue by almost $13 billion and the net profit by more than $3 billion.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said the following:

"We are thrilled by the continued strength of iPhone, Mac and the App Store, which drove our best March quarter results ever. We’re seeing a higher rate of people switching to iPhone than we’ve experienced in previous cycles, and we’re off to an exciting start to the June quarter with the launch of Apple Watch.”

Apple sold 61.2 million iPhones during the quarter, up from 43.7 million a year earlier which also represents a new March quarter record. Mac sales have also been strong with 4.56 million units sold, up from 4.1 million units in the year-ago quarter. iPad sales, however, were down, falling to 12.6 million from 16.35 million, but it needs to be said that the entire tablet market is on the decline.

For its fiscal 2015 third quarter, Apple is expecting the revenue to be between $46 billion and $48 billion, the gross margin between 38.5 percent and 39.5 percent and operating expenses between $5.65 billion and $5.75 billion.

Source: Apple

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