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Apple’s Eddy Cue Was Pushing for iPad Mini in January 2011


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Cnet reports today on the fascinating emails that have emerged today during the Apple vs Samsung trial that show Apple’s head of Internet software and services Eddy Cue emailing Apple’s Tim Cook, Scott Forstall and Phil Schiller back in January 2011 to tell them why he thought Apple should make a 7†tablet. He also says in the email that he has used Samsung’s Galaxy tablet, and that he “found email, books, facebook and video very compelling on a 7â€â€ before going on to say that browsing the Internet on the tablet is a weak point, “but still usable.†Cue also says that Steve Jobs “seemed very receptive†to the idea, but reading between the lines it sounds as if he took a little convincing on the matter! As Cnet notes, Samsung’s point with revealing this email in court was to say that Apple clearly takes note of rival products, but then I doubt that anyone ever thought Apple wouldn’t take note of its rivals’ activities. What is also interesting about the email is the fact that Cue mentions, and links to, a comments thread on GigaOm, proving that Apple is very interested in user opinion and takes note of what the Apple user community and the general public out there is saying about its products. And they don’t just hire some people to browse the web for them and take notes, they actually do it themselves. Another reason why the company is so successful, I would venture.

Source: Here's Apple's e-mail thread about a 7-inch iPad | Apple - CNET News


iPF Novice
Apr 28, 2011
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Maura said:
Cnet reports today on the fascinating emails that have emerged today during the Apple vs Samsung trial that show Apple’s head of Internet software and services Eddy Cue emailing Apple’s Tim Cook, Scott Forstall and Phil Schiller back in January 2011 to tell them why he thought Apple should make a 7” tablet. He also says in the email that he has used Samsung’s Galaxy tablet, and that he “found email, books, facebook and video very compelling on a 7”” before going on to say that browsing the Internet on the tablet is a weak point, “but still usable.” Cue also says that Steve Jobs “seemed very receptive” to the idea, but reading between the lines it sounds as if he took a little convincing on the matter! As Cnet notes, Samsung’s point with revealing this email in court was to say that Apple clearly takes note of rival products, but then I doubt that anyone ever thought Apple wouldn’t take note of its rivals’ activities. What is also interesting about the email is the fact that Cue mentions, and links to, a comments thread on GigaOm, proving that Apple is very interested in user opinion and takes note of what the Apple user community and the general public out there is saying about its products. And they don’t just hire some people to browse the web for them and take notes, they actually do it themselves. Another reason why the company is so successful, I would venture.

Source: Here's Apple's e-mail thread about a 7-inch iPad | Apple - CNET News

We need 10-inch, 7-inch, and maybe 4 or 5-inch. A single person can use the different sized tabs in multiple ways and for different tasks. There is no one size is best for everything. We need to get beyond the idea of everyone just having one tablet computer.

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