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appcrash after JB


iPF Noob
May 7, 2011
Reaction score

First of all thank you for all of your very good and easy to follow posts.
I used the redsnow one this morning to JB my ipad after upgrading it to 4.3.3 and it worked within a few minutes.

But when i installed the first app from Cydia, fullforce, to have my iphone apps behave ipad like, suddenly almost all my apps (iphone and ipad alike) would crash instantly.

Now suddenly, a few hours later and after having deinstalled the fullforce app they work again. but now I am a bit scard to try install this or any other app from Cydia again.

Would be happy about any useful comments on that.
KokoNatsu said:

First of all thank you for all of your very good and easy to follow posts.
I used the redsnow one this morning to JB my ipad after upgrading it to 4.3.3 and it worked within a few minutes.

But when i installed the first app from Cydia, fullforce, to have my iphone apps behave ipad like, suddenly almost all my apps (iphone and ipad alike) would crash instantly.

Now suddenly, a few hours later and after having deinstalled the fullforce app they work again. but now I am a bit scard to try install this or any other app from Cydia again.

Would be happy about any useful comments on that.

Sorry to hear that, someone will be on soon to help you with that, welcome anyway.

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Thanks, Hayley, - our iPad jail breaking 'guru' Leigh (he's from Scotland too) is lurking somewhere and I can guarantee he has the answer - so hang on in there....he's the world renowned expert on everything like this (just trying to make him blush)

I've seen a few folks recently having troubles with full force and retinapad. All I can say is that I and others on the forum have both these running without problems, and I have an awful lot of suff on my iPad... I upgraded to 4.3.3 last night (no issues), but had both these "troublesome" apps on 4.3.2, 4.3.1 and as far as I can recall 4.2.1 without issues.

There is obviously an incompatibility somewhere which is likely a combination of two packages that don't like each other.

Did you definitely reboot (full power off and on again) after installation? Apps which hook into mobile substrate and onwards into "every" app like these tend to need a proper initialisation.

I would suggest re-installing, reboot, and see if you can get things working like that. If not, just uninstall again. If you can be bothered, tell me what other Cydia apps you have (all of them) and I'll see if I can spot potential culprits.
Hi f4780y,

thanks for the fast reply.

There is obviously an incompatibility somewhere which is likely a combination of two packages that don't like each other.
Since fullforce was the first thing I installed after JBing for the first time I thought this should not be the problem.

Did you definitely reboot (full power off and on again) after installation? Apps which hook into mobile substrate and onwards into "every" app like these tend to need a proper initialisation.
Yes, I did.
and i did reinstall, reboot and also finally delete the app but nothing worked. for some 2 hours almost every app crashed.
when i got home some hours later magically it was working again.

anyway I checked about the compatibility and the two iphone apps I wanted it for (skype and igowinjoseki) don't seem to run well anyway.
So i think for the moment I will just avoid fullforce.

I tried to install some other apps/tweaks now and this didnt cause any problems.
i couldn't install winterboard though. it says:

NetDB: open nodename nor servername provided, or not known.
BTW for the apps which need to be payed for, is it normal that one is asked to enter google mail information and pay via one's amazon account? is this secure?

KokoNatsu said:
Hi f4780y,

thanks for the fast reply.

Since fullforce was the first thing I installed after JBing for the first time I thought this should not be the problem.

Yes, I did.
and i did reinstall, reboot and also finally delete the app but nothing worked. for some 2 hours almost every app crashed.
when i got home some hours later magically it was working again.

anyway I checked about the compatibility and the two iphone apps I wanted it for (skype and igowinjoseki) don't seem to run well anyway.
So i think for the moment I will just avoid fullforce.

I tried to install some other apps/tweaks now and this didnt cause any problems.
i couldn't install winterboard though. it says:

BTW for the apps which need to be payed for, is it normal that one is asked to enter google mail information and pay via one's amazon account? is this secure?


OK, well don't know what to suggest. it works perfectly on my 4.3.3 setup just as it did for 4.3.2 and 4.3.1.
Payment through Cydia is as secure as any other webiste. Don't know why you are having problems with winterboard either. It works fine. Sorry.

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