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Another Los Angeles User...


iPF Noob
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I looked all over the city to no avail for the 16gb wifi. i ordered one online, but they had a 3 week delivery scheduled. I put my name on a waiting list in Pasadena, but they had no idea how long i would be on that list. I continued calling around and found one in up in Santa Clarita. SWEEEEEET!!!!

I have was planning a trip to London and didn't want to go without this thing. Now i need to get it loaded up and ready to go. I just need to find a case for it. The Apple case is nowhere to be found. crazy. i guess Marware will get my business.


Excellent news! You're gonna love it.

Did you check out the ZooGue case? It's similar to the Marware case, but with more display options. ZooGue iPad Smart Case

We really like the case we bought.


Luckily I found that the century city apple store had tons of cases in stock. I really like the slim form of the apple case. The mar ware case looked nice as well, just a bit bulky and heavy.

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