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Annoying screen rotation (only to the right)


iPF Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
To rotate my scree I need to tilt my iPad 2 about 30 degrees.
But the screen rotated to left even I tilt it's about 5 degrees.
This is very annoying. I know that I can use screen rotation lock but this is not he case.

When I hold it flat i can have little variations to the sides and my screen is not rotating but if I only tilt it little bit to the left my screen tomatoes, but if I tilt it the same amount to the right my screen is not rotating.

My accelerometer is ok, I checked it in level app.

It takes very little little to rotate my screen to right ( to the left, top, or bottom it takes normal amount).

I hope you understand me.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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