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Account info on hand me down ipad


iPF Noob
Nov 21, 2023
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My wife gave me her old gen 4 iPad . She has a newer one. She transferred the info from the older iPad to the new one during set up of her new one. The iPad she gave to me is called "Jane's I pad" The new one that is her main one now is just called " iPad" The account info is the same for both I-Pads. In the show section in the general tab it shows the 2 I-Pads. The gen-4 I-Pad that she gave me is the one named "Janes I-Pad" and seems to be the default I-Pad. How do I delete the account on the gen -4 I-Pad ( Janes I-Pad) without messing up her new I-Pads account info( named I-Pad) and how do I rename the newer I-Pad from I-Pad to Janes Ipad.

As long as you don't open the apps and change data like contacts, account info, or other stuff associated with her ID and account, what you do on the original iPad will not affect her new one. It's only her account and data that are synced, not the iPad's setup.

You'll need here to remove the iPad from her account before you can set it up as new with your own account, Here are Apple's instructions on how to do so.

You're wife has already done most of this just by transferring all here settings, account info, and data to the new iPad. That's mostly to make sure she does't lose anything.

What she may have done is remove the iPad from her list of devices and restore the iPad to factory. Step's 7 and 10.

Once those two things are done, all you need to do is start the iPad and follow the setup instructions, which will include setting up your own Apple account. Unless you already have one, in which case use your existing Apple ID.

As long as you don't open the apps and change data like contacts, account info, or other stuff associated with her ID and account, what you do on the original iPad will not affect her new one. It's only her account and data that are synced, not the iPad's setup.

You'll need here to remove the iPad from her account before you can set it up as new with your own account, Here are Apple's instructions on how to do so.

You're wife has already done most of this just by transferring all here settings, account info, and data to the new iPad. That's mostly to make sure she does't lose anything.

What she may have done is remove the iPad from her list of devices and restore the iPad to factory. Step's 7 and 10.

Once those two things are done, all you need to do is start the iPad and follow the setup instructions, which will include setting up your own Apple account. Unless you already have one, in which case use your existing Apple ID.

Hi, Good to hear from you. You just helped me restore account info on this I Pad a week or so ago. ( trusted phone number)
When I look at her devices on her new iPad it shows both devices. the old one and her new one. She has not removed any devices yet. When I looked at them ( in the show devices ) I think there was a button on there to remove account next to the ipads names and pics. Are you saying that if I remove the old i pads account that is synced with her new account it will not affect any of her settings/account information but just separate the account from the old iPad and leave in place the info on the new one? Will her new iPad become' Jane's iPad' instead of "I pad" or will I have to change the name to that.
Yes. Removing her account from the old iPad will have no affect on the new one.

It is actually a necessary step before you can set up the old iPad with a new account.

The name of the iPad has no affect on the actual account. To change the name to go Settings > General > About > Name, and type in whatever name you like. It's just a label used in a few different places to make it easier to see which Apple device is which when you have multiple devices.

When you reset the old device, the its name will be replaced with the default name, which you can change after you finish setting up the iPad as your's.
Yes. Removing her account from the old iPad will have no affect on the new one.

It is actually a necessary step before you can set up the old iPad with a new account.

The name of the iPad has no affect on the actual account. To change the name to go Settings > General > About > Name, and type in whatever name you like. It's just a label used in a few different places to make it easier to see which Apple device is which when you have multiple devices.

When you reset the old device, the its name will be replaced with the default name, which you can change after you finish setting up the iPad as your's.
Thanks. You are always so helpful.

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