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700 iPad Specific Apps Ready and Waiting


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ_sKg0tmQE]YouTube - Apple Releases Over 700 iPad Specific Apps - AppAdvice.com[/ame]

AppAdvice gives us a good preview of the app selection we can expect on April 3rd, aka launch day. The walk through details over 700 iPad specific apps, now the big question is how many are worth a hoot?

[Source: www.AppAdvice.com]
Some of them were listed multiple times. Like the WSJ app was in there at least 3 times. Some LDS Scriptures was in there at least 3 or 4 times.

There are definitely a few apps I'll have to get. Excited to see Harbor Master was free. Disappointed I didn't see the NYT app yet. I saw the "NYT Editors Choice" app, but not the full blown app unless I overlooked it.

Yea... out of all of those I can see me getting about 5 or 6 day one and that includes the iWork apps. I'll probably wait until many come down in price before I'd jump. Paying full price for some of these knowing that competition will eventually drive the prices down... as well as paying so much for apps that were developed for BUT NEVER RUN ON the iPad yet... they'll be lots of fixes and tweaks coming down the line for many of these apps once the developers actually get to test them out on the iPad for the first time.

But yea... 5-6 must have apps and then I'm sure I'll throw 5-6 crap apps on there too the first day or two just to test some stuff out.

Oh... besides the NYT app missing... I was really hoping to see the Kindle app in there and I didn't see it (unless I missed it also).
Oh... another one I didn't see that I was hoping would be out on (or near) launch was the MLB at bat application. I've got it for the iPhone... but I'm really looking forward to the iPad version. Especially since I've got the MLB.TV subscription. Watching all my Cardinals games on the iPad will be awesome!!!

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