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Trash delete settings


iPF Noob
Aug 24, 2012
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Regardless of the settings, day, week, two weeks, etc, for ipad mail my trash folder only retains messages for one day. Is there another setting that I'm overlooking? I'm using Charter.net imap mail server.
Regardless of the settings, day, week, two weeks, etc, for ipad mail my trash folder only retains messages for one day. Is there another setting that I'm overlooking? I'm using Charter.net imap mail server.

I'd imagine that the settings which are causing this to happen are on your charter.net server and need to be amended there. The iPad is configured to manage things from the iPad end, but does not change the way the underlying email service provider account is set up. So if their default if to delete the trash after a day (which it sounds like it is), then setting the iPad to something longer than that will not make a difference.

I tend to set my email accounts up with the service provider not to automatically delete trash, and then set my iPad (and other devices) to the duration required. That sounds more in line with what you need to do or are expecting to happen.

You would typically change this by using the email client or webmail from a browser (maybe you have it set up on a PC or Laptop?), but I'm not familiar with charter.net, so hopefully you know how to do that ;)

If you need more help, hopefully someone with a charter.net account can chip in...
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f4780y said:
I'd imagine that the settings which are causing this to happen are on your charter.net server and need to be amended there. The iPad is configured to manage things from the iPad end, but does not change the way the underlying email service provider account is set up. So if...

Thanks for you speedy response. I'm using Windows Live Mail as my pc client on a Window 7 os. I have searched WLM for such a setting and found none. I have tried to access the server settings directly through Charter, but without success. I guess my next step will be to contact Charter and ask how these settings can be accessed.
The other possibility is you have another device you are using which is set to delete them after a day? Phone maybe?
I checked with Charter on one of their chat rooms. The attendant didn't know of any other way of checking/changing switches on their email server other then through client software. I only have an ipad and desk a desktop computer doing email. Hope some is able to help.
Still waiting for apple to make provisions for group contacts and or addresses! Big need.

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