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Suggestions for an app that does precise cut and paste


iPF Noob
Oct 6, 2014
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Hello all. I'm a noob when it comes to photo/drawing apps and I have a question. I would like to cut and paste people and objects out of different photos and add them to a collage.

I purchased Photoshop for the iPad which has layers, but it is very hard to cut around the person in the photo. Photoshop from what I can tell only lets you cut squares. You can't get precise with your cutting.

What are some of the best apps that are great at precise cut and pasting? Something with layers would be good too. Thanks for your help!
Photoshop Touch is still the app you want.

Go to the tutorials in the app and look at the Add People one. It does pretty much what you want. If it doesn't make sense at first, try working through the earlier tutorials, especially the Layers and Shortcuts.

One of the things the tutorial does not emphasize is that you can zoom in and out of the picture for more precise painting, and you can switch between the Keep and Remove modes to fine tune the selection.

Context: I had been meaning to pick up this app anyway, so I did. I was looking for the old desktop method of using layers and masks to combine pictures, but this tutorial caught my eye first. It ends up working a lot like layers and masks, but with fewer steps.

Good luck.
Thanks poet! You are right. Everything I need is there already. I didn't realize you can access the lasso, wand, etc by pressing the square twice. :)

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