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Nintendo Turns its Attention to Mobile, Including Hardware Controllers for iOS


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Nintendo to start making iOS controllers.JPG

9to5 Mac reports today on developments at Nintendo that look set to answer the prayers of all those who have been calling for the gaming giant to make a firm commitment to the mobile gaming market.

In a speech at Nintendo’s annual general shareholder meeting, Nintendo’s general manager of Entertainment Planning and Development, Shinya Takahashi, announced that Nintendo intends to invest a big portion of its resources in smartphones and tablets.

In particular, Takahashi said that Nintendo is looking to develop physical controllers for tablets and smartphones. It wants to make dedicated games for smartphones and tablets, and it wants to sell controllers to fans to make it easier for them to play those games.

“Physical controllers for smart device applications are available in the market and it is possible that we may also develop something new by ourselves,” said Takahashi. “I believe Nintendo’s way of thinking is to look at whether action games are really not impossible (without a physical controller for smart device applications) to create and how we can make it happen to create such a game.”

During the same meeting, Nintendo’s president, Tatsumi Kimishima, also said that the company will continue to invest in iOS software, with the first fruits of that being Miitomo, and four more promised games to launch before next March.

Source: Nintendo betting big on mobile, potentially building hardware controllers for iPhone & iPad

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