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Hello from the Algarve


iPF Noob
Jul 7, 2012
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On my yacht, wherever it may be
Hi. Confirmed PC user for almost 30 years. Bought my first iPad in February in Ft Lauderdale for navigation assistance on my boat. Have now used to to cruise the Bahamas, cross to Bermuda, then across the Atlantic to the Azores and finally to here in Lagos.

Now using it for all the magazines I used to get when I had a land address. Having some issues with Newsstand but in general love the iPad and will be looking to add the new one to our boat kit. Normally live in the south west of Western Australia but currently cruising the world.
Enjoy your cruise! I'm jealous!

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Again Welcome and We hope you Enjoy Your Time Here!

hogesinwa said:
Hi. Confirmed PC user for almost 30 years. Bought my first iPad in February in Ft Lauderdale for navigation assistance on my boat. Have now used to to cruise the Bahamas, cross to Bermuda, then across the Atlantic to the Azores and finally to here in Lagos.

Now using it for all the magazines I used to get when I had a land address. Having some issues with Newsstand but in general love the iPad and will be looking to add the new one to our boat kit. Normally live in the south west of Western Australia but currently cruising the world.

Lagos! You must go to Silves. All roads lead to it.
Welcome to the forum.

We've been hanging around Lagos getting work done on the boat. Waiting for new sails now and some new electronics so we have spare days. Hired a car today and went to Sagres and the Cape - wanted to see what they looked like from the land as we were certainly awed looking at them in the early morning as we sailed past. Silves on the list for tomorrow or the next day. Probably tomorrow as we have to go half way to Portimao to get more propane. After that, we're off to Lisbon for about a week and by then the chartplotter/AIS/radar should be here and ready to install and the sails won't be far behind. Then it's off to Gibraltar and Morocco. With my iPad/Navionics of course.
Started to. Couldn't finish it. I thought he was a bit verbose, perhaps a bit fond of his own opinion. I picked it up, put it down, picked it up and eventually put it down for good. Discussed with crew and the Admiral why I couldn't finish it and decided that he seemed to be the quintessential dinner guest but I didn't like his writing. Which seems silly as that's how he made his living. I think, perhaps, he wrote as a journalist in a different era, as opposed to a novelist in a different era which probably wouldn't make that much difference. Anyway, I didn't dismiss it lightly. And I'm sure I would have thoroughly enjoyed his company and to have him on board.
Welcome to this great forum.

Definitely would love to see you start a thread about your travels, would keep us land based peeps dreaming :)

Darkangelwitch (Surrey) I luv my iPad

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