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Apple “Thrilled†With Record-Breaking iPad Launch


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Although it’s a little too early for official sales figures, Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted today that Friday’s iPad launch has broken previous sales records. 9to5 Mac reports that when asked about Friday’s launch during an early morning conference call on Monday, Cook said, “We had a record weekend, and we’re thrilled with it.†Cook did not make any mention of when launch-day figures would be released by Apple, but 9to5 Mac says that it is estimated that Apple sold between 500,000 to 1 million units on Friday alone. This would represent a huge increase from the 300,000 iPad 2s that were sold in the first 24 hours that it went onsale last year, including pre-orders. During this morning’s conference call with Cook and Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer, Apple also took the opportunity to announce a new dividend and share repurchase program, according to 9to5 Mac, during which it expects to spend $45 billion over three years.

Source: Cook: “We had a record [iPad] weekend, and we’re thrilled with it.†| 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

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