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Wifi and 3 G


iPF Noob
Feb 10, 2012
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Apple website says the following:

"If you decide on an iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G, be sure to select the model that corresponds with the carrier you’d like to use for 3G service. The iPad model you purchase is specially configured to work with either AT&T or Verizon —
not both"

What is a carrier?
comer13 said:
Apple website says the following:

"If you decide on an iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G, be sure to select the model that corresponds with the carrier you’d like to use for 3G service. The iPad model you purchase is specially configured to work with either AT&T or Verizon —
not both"

What is a carrier?

Yes your carrier is your Internet provider. The AT&T iPad has a sim card, this can be replaced when travelling to different countries to access 3G internet from different providers around the world. The Verizon model does not have a sim card and will only work in countries that support this network.

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