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Wi-Fi connection


iPF Noob
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
I have an iPad 2 with wifi connection only, which works fine at home. Yesterday, I took my iPad to work and it connected to my office Wi-Fi.

Later, however, I tried to connect to BT Openzone in Starbucks but it said I couldn't connect because I didn't have Internet access!

Can someone please explain and tell me how to connect in such a situation. My iPhone connected in the same place without a problem.
The easiest way to connect to the BT Openzone and Fon sites is via their app, free from the app store. Once the BTFon app has been downloaded, register your details within the app, and whenever you are in a free BT wifi zone it will automatically join, and make a nice 'bing' sound to let you know you are connected. Occasionally it doesn't work automatically, but opening up the app seems to kick start it.

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