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Whats the best leather carrying case cover for iPad?


iPF Noob
Mar 30, 2010
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As the title says, I am wondering whats the best leather carrying case cover for iPad available in the market? So far I have found CrazyOnDigital at few stores and also available at Dealrocker with good discounts. It is custom made, very compact, light weight and durable. I read some positive reviews on this brand, but not from personal experience. Any anyone shed some lights on leather carrying case covers.?

Any input will be greatly appreciated.
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I'm confused. Your title says your looking for the best leather cover (so am I btw) and in your post you want free games?
It's a cleverly disguised spam post...trying to get people to check out that website he hyperlinked.
I found a great leather iPad case that is amazing and hand made with great leather...a guy in Charlotte nc makes them.

His website is www.colsenkeane.com
It's already been featured in another thread.

I'd recommend trying out the relatively inexpensive Apple iPad sleeve/case before spending big bucks on a fancy leather case -- unless fancy-shmancy is your thing, of course. If my Apple case wears out, I'll get another. It's small, thin, keeps the iPad from slipping from my hands, props up two ways for typing or display, etc. Works like a charm.
I'd recommend trying out the relatively inexpensive Apple iPad sleeve/case before spending big bucks on a fancy leather case -- unless fancy-shmancy is your thing, of course. If my Apple case wears out, I'll get another. It's small, thin, keeps the iPad from slipping from my hands, props up two ways for typing or display, etc. Works like a charm.

To me it's kinda pricey for what you get; $20 would make more sense to me. And then there's that Apple logo - I'm not too big on paying for the privilege of advertising a company. It's also a dust magnet! In only a few days it seems to have drawn dust into every crevice, and combined with the perpetually smudged display this thing seems determined to look shabby. I need a leather case, and that case needs a pouch for screen wipes. :)
I'm waiting on investing in a nice leather case. The truth is no one had an ipad, other than apple of course, until launch or a 3G until 4/30 so these first gen cases were designed blind. I want whatever leather case I get to fit perfect for my 3G so I'm waiting until some new ones come out. One that I'm really looking forward to is the zoogue but I'm sure many others will follow. These things take time though.
As the title says, I am wondering whats the best leather carrying case cover for iPad available in the market? So far I have found CrazyOnDigital at few stores and also available at Dealrocker with good discounts. It is custom made, very compact, light weight and durable. I read some positive reviews on this brand, but not from personal experience. Any anyone shed some lights on leather carrying case covers.?

Any input will be greatly appreciated.
I found a leather case for my iPad at www.ColsenKeane.com. If you like simple yet very strong you might find this helpful. For me it's always about good technology and how I encase it...Have you ever heard of these folks?

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