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Want to share photo stream with family and friends - iPad 3 photos too large


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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I have the new updates installed. I'm trying to figure out "how" to share the photos I've organized in photo stream with friends and family. I've set up iCloud on my PC. The pictures are there, but they are very large. I've got 26 pictures to share and some of them are over a megabyte. I just don't understand "how" to share with people who are only in my address books, not on my network.

Hoping to hear from you. Thanks in advance for your attention.
I use a Mac and got a computer app that batch resizes photos to reduce mine on the Mac before syncing them to my iPad. There are free apps out there for PC that will batch resize photos. Worth a look via Google.
I actually took all the photos with my iPad. I know the answer is going to turn out to be blazingly obvious ... they always are. I just can't see the flowers for the trees at this point!

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