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This will be my 1st iPad, but....


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2012
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I am not exactly sure what roll it will play in my everyday routine or exactly how much I will want to use it. Might be a little or it might be all the time. Im saying I domnt know because I never had one. How do you guys use it for the most part? Has it become a necessity for you or is it just a leisurely thing? What do you guys use it for mostly?
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From a college student, I ask mine when it's okay to breathe and when I can have a day pass to leave it home.
Basically you will find yourself never using your computer again for things like Internet surfing, email, YouTube, or what have you. At least that's how it went with me. So much more convenient to grab the iPad and go. Speaking of which, traveling is great with the iPad. No heavy laptop to lug around.
Face it, most people on here couldn't go a day without playing around with their iPad. A day? Who am I kidding. Make that half an hour.
KevinJS said:
Face it, most people on here couldn't go a day without playing around with their iPad. A day? Who am I kidding. Make that half an hour.


Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Basically you will find yourself never using your computer again for things like Internet surfing, email, YouTube, or what have you. At least that's how it went with me. So much more convenient to grab the iPad and go. Speaking of which, traveling is great with the iPad. No heavy laptop to lug around.

Exactly what happened to me, i now really only use the computer for serious work, anything else is iPad.
McTablet_T2C said:
Exactly what happened to me, i now really only use the computer for serious work, anything else is iPad.


Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Face it, most people on here couldn't go a day without playing around with their iPad. A day? Who am I kidding. Make that half an hour.

Lucky i dont take mine to work, but must agree, at home i cant keep away from it too long. even watching a movie with gf, i would press the mail button to see if something came.

Used to fall asleep with a book, now with the pad.

I generally never used to be a Big apple guy (being a PC boy). But must say both the iPhone and iPad have really changed my habits\life
You have to hand it to Apple, which clearly knows how to build anticipation. Nothing builds anticipation like telling customers they can't have something. The newest version of Apple's iPad, the new iPad or the iPad 3, was unveiled last week and the device boasts impressive 4G connectivity and a sharper screen resolution, according to The Cutline. If anybody thought the $499 price tag was going to keep buyers at bay, they were sadly mistaken.
I lied. The only time were inevitably apart is when it rains. I don't let her to be in the storms. No cover is tooooo strong. Yesterday, I took her to the Mexican restaurant.
Well ur for an interesting ride...I used to u se my laptop for like 8-10 hrs a day on holidays and at least 6 hrs on normal days. Then I decided to buy an iPad just for the sake of it ...curiosity was the main thing, my first apple product and all. For the first few days I just set it up downloaded some applications basic games and all. Then it gradually grew on me.
1) i rarely use my lap for Internet browsing ,email,videos anymore.it rests on my table now where as before it was always in my shoulder bag.
2)on the go use...take a couple of movies and I'll be engaged for the whole journey.the incredible battery life aids in on the go Internet browsing ,movies games for hours...
The thing is I'm in medical profession and I don't have to do much power stuff on computers. So I rarely use my laptop these days.I guess that will be the case with most normal users.you have entire social networking covered and good browsing experience and a good gps .
My only compliant is I can't transfer files to and from it without a pc like in smartphones with the USB on the go functionality .but u can't get everything lol.so the need for iTunes for every damn thing has gradually become ok with me...
Same here, new to apple, bought the 16gb wifi one, after all I was only going to use it for browsing, emails and some photos in my portfolio to show people..

Well that's how it started, now a year later it's full!

Use mine for work (project management), importing raw files for a better preview screen than the camera before they go into Lightroom, and I've even done quick edits out in the field for people who needed images quickly.

Laptop still used for photo editing but iPad is used so heavily now I couldn't be without it. To be honest I use Dropbox to get files and off it, try and avoid iTunes as much as I can!
I use it for reading my RSS feeds, Twitter, gaming, surfing the web, productivity (to-do and calendar), etc.etc. I can go a couple of days without touching my laptop. I never realized how much I used it until I sold it. It's been two LONG weeks. Friday can't come soon enough.
It's obviously very usefull for a thousand things that make life easier. All the helpfully things you do with a system like this email , files etc but the really fun part is when I'm just grabbing for it to pass the time. Sketching , flying xplane ,snap a shot of my dogs wrestling...stuff like that. I would say important stuff ,notes etc take up about 15 minutes a day. The fun stuff takes up an hour or two. On weekends even more fun time. Ya get hooked on certain things which are individually to taste.
You will definitely not find that your finding no use for it. Apps alone are the iPads speciality. A universe of stuff you don't have the time to see it all. It would take 3years to see everything there today. New amazing stuff appear as apps every hour. 24/7

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