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The Question


iPF Noob
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA USA
If you could ask Steve Jobs one question and one question only what would it be? And what do you think his answer would be?

My question would be the following

What will the Internet and computing be like 10 years from now?

Internet TV will dominate. Everyone will use almost exclusively use a tablet device. Cloud computing will be almost magical compared to now. We will be able to do almost anything with the tablet like see our Dna in order to prevent illnesses and select preferred charatarists for our children
If you could ask Steve Jobs one question and one question only what would it be? And what do you think his answer would be?

Q: After all of this time have you ever gotten over the fact that Bill Gates out smarted you?

A: I am not even going to entertain this.
If you could ask Steve Jobs one question and one question only what would it be? And what do you think his answer would be?

Q: What do you think of your fanbois?

A: You really don't want to know.
Since Jobs has completely dominated the minds of the public with the perception that he is a genius and they clamor for his products. Gates is perceived as the former head of a mega corporation that has produced software that we use for work, but little else. Microsoft is perceived as big business and they produce more complex systems that just makes more aggrevations. I know who I would rather be.

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