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The Cloud - I am concerned


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
I have just purchased my first iPad. I am soooo over my head I'm dizzy!

I have just signed myself into The Cloud accidentally - before I thought about what I was really doing. Now I realize that every time I sync my new iPad with my home computer, my documents will be sucked into The Cloud. I wont be using this iPad for writing documents and I definitely don't want my documents from my home computer on my iPad.

So, now that I've tapped a few buttons I should not have tapped ... how do I stop this gathering of my home computer documents into the Cloud?

If I choose not to be part of The Cloud - what exactly will I not be able to do on my new iPad?

Is there such a thing as a class on the internet that one can sign into and "listen" to someone talk about the iPad and all its intracasies? I've downloaded the pdf file for the new iPad ... but I'm still quite overwhelmed.

Many thanks for your help. I do appreciate your time.

Don't worry, iCloud won't steal anything you don't tell it to, lol. It's actually fairly difficult to put documents into it, so your worries are unfounded. That being said, iCloud is there to help, but not necessary at all. Just sync your device every once-in-a-while to iTunes instead.

Sent from my 3rd Gen iPad using iPF app
You can turn off iCloud backups as you choose, under Settings > iCloud on your iPad.

If you're not going to back up to the cloud, just back up to your computer.
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

There is no need to worry that your papers will be pulled from your PC to the iPad
Here are some links which should prove enlightening.

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to save me from myself. Yesterday DAY 1 -- was a horrible day. I just wanted to put the new iPad back into the box. It's awful when you think you are pretty good with your computer and then you suddenly discover you know absolutely nothing about how a new computer item functions. AWFUL! I am definitely going to figure out how to get that forum app on my iPad. There is just so much to read my brain hurts!

Don't give up on me yet!
WhydidIbuyit said:
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to save me from myself. Yesterday DAY 1 -- was a horrible day. I just wanted to put the new iPad back into the box. It's awful when you think you are pretty good with your computer and then you suddenly discover you know absolutely nothing about how a new computer item functions. AWFUL! I am definitely going to figure out how to get that forum app on my iPad. There is just so much to read my brain hurts!

Don't give up on me yet!

No we won't give up on you. Have a look at the links in my post above and these will help you get more of an idea how everything works, or maybe you have and that's why your brain hurts. The app for the Forum is so much simpler to navigate. It is a steep learning curve but you've got the right attitude. :)
Yes! I do believe I found the right place and "I think" I've turned off the connection with documents and icloud.
Okay ... just spent the last ... hour going over all the sites you've suggested. I also "think" I've got the forum button on my screen now. I haven't checked to see if it works yet.

Forward march!
Update! Well. I have to tell you: I AM ABSOLUTELY THRILLED WITH MY NEW IPAD!!! :D I have been learning steadily and now I'm REALLY excited because, I know stuff now! I found the most terrific app that everyone would benefit hugely from. It is called AppStart. If you are not a wizard at this iPad world, I know you will love this app. It is so easy to follow ... and I suggest you start with the beginning little video and do what she says. It is so much easier than slogging through that manual. She really speaks to ME.

I'm soooo excited!

Thanks guys n' girls! Now I think I should change my handle to ImsogladIboughtit ;-)
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WhydidIbuyit said:
Update! Well. I have to tell you: I AM ABSOLUTELY THRILLED WITH MY NEW IPAD!!! :D I have been learning steadily and now I'm REALLY excited because, I know stuff now! I found the most terrific app that everyone would benefit hugely from. It is called AppStart. If you are not a wizard at this iPad world, I know you will love this app. It is so easy to follow ... and I suggest you start with the beginning little video and do what she says. It is so much easier than slogging through that manual. She really speaks to ME.

I'm soooo excited!

Thanks guys n' girls! Now I think I should change my handle to ImsogladIboughtit ;-)

That's so good to hear, I can feel your enthusiasm for sure. I have Appstart too and also found it very good, I ran across another 1 yesterday which is also very good for beginners as it has video tutorials, the Developer has just become one of our Supporting Vendors here on the Forum, have a look anyway
http://www.intro2ipad.com/. There's a link to the app store on the site.
Yes I was wondering if you would want to change your username at some point. Let me know if you do, and I'll have Admin change it for you. Enjoy!
twerppoet said:
I don't know. It kind of works both ways. All depends on what your answer to the question is. :)

Oh you are cheeky today Twerppoet but of course you're always right :)
:) How very kind of you to take the time to encourage me. I agree ... I should change that name shouldn't I?

I shall definitely check out your app suggestion and let you know how I make out.

I've just posted in the "sync" department. If you happen to be wandering by, perhaps you have an answer that will put the grin back on my face.

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