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iPF Noob
Jan 12, 2017
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I'm been using my gen 1 iPad Air for a few years, and it has rarely given me problems. However, a couple of days ago i noticed my tablet automatically turn the volume up. I tried to turn it down, but it turned itself up again. I have to hold the volume down button to make it stop. And it keeps on doing it at random times and it's very annoying. The same situation happened to my tablet about a year ago, and it eventually went away within a few hours, this has been going on for the past couple days. I don't know if it's the tablet or the iOS. Please help!
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) If not already tried, 'Reset' your iPad, i.e. hold down BOTH the HOME & ON-OFF buttons until the Apple logo appears (may take 10 seconds or more) - let the device reboot - none of your settings, apps, or data will be affected - let us know the results. Dave
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) If not already tried, 'Reset' your iPad, i.e. hold down BOTH the HOME & ON-OFF buttons until the Apple logo appears (may take 10 seconds or more) - let the device reboot - none of your settings, apps, or data will be affected - let us know the results. Dave
I forgot to mention, I tried to reset it to see if it fixed my problem when it showed up, but it didn't work. I just tried it a few minutes before responding to you, and i got the same results.
Look for dents or malformation around the volume buttons. This has been known to cause the volume buttons to misbehave. Careful unbending usually works.

The other thing that has been known to cause similar issues is a bluetooth keyboard paired with the iPad nearby, and something pressing on its volume buttons.
Look for dents or malformation around the volume buttons. This has been known to cause the volume buttons to misbehave. Careful unbending usually works.

The other thing that has been known to cause similar issues is a bluetooth keyboard paired with the iPad nearby, and something pressing on its volume buttons.
My tablet does have a dent in the upper right hand corner, and i don't own a bluetooth keyboard, so now I'm wondering if i can unbend the dent safely without doing more damage. I just spent over $200 getting my laptop fixed, so I'm not willing to take it down to the shop now.
How close to the volume buttons is the dent, and do you see any deformation in the small strip of aluminum between the volume buttons?

It's this little bit that often causes pressure on one or the other buttons. It's also the easiest to unbend without serious risk of damaging the iPad further.
My tablet does have a dent in the upper right hand corner, and i don't own a bluetooth keyboard, so now I'm wondering if i can unbend the dent safely without doing more damage. I just spent over $200 getting my laptop fixed, so I'm not willing to take it down to the shop now.

Hello again - dents can be difficult to handle around the volume buttons, e.g. what tool(s) to use, location of the damage, possible need to disassemble the iPad, and your skills as a DIY on this small scale. A picture might help, if you know how to post one? We have a number of members here who repair iPads and seeing the 'dent' would be useful.

There is a discussion on the iFixit Website that may be of interest, and even an expensive tool shown (image below) - for those interested, check out the video - all sorts of dents repaired but required removal of the iPads' back covers - I would suspect that Apple or authorized Apple repair shops likely own this tool, certainly not an item to buy for one time use! ;)

If you feel uncomfortable about attempting a repair, then I'm sure you can get an estimate locally and then decide - good luck! Dave :)
Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 2.06.00 PM.png
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Hello again - dents can be difficult to handle around the volume buttons, e.g. what tool(s) to use, location of the damage, possible need to disassemble the iPad, and your skills as a DIY on this small scale. A picture might help, if you know how to post one? We have a number of members here who repair iPads and seeing the 'dent' would be useful.

There is a discussion on the iFixit Website that may be of interest, and even an expensive tool shown (image below) - for those interested, check out the video - all sorts of dents repaired but required removal of the iPads' back covers - I would suspect that Apple or authorized Apple repair shops likely own this tool, certainly not an item to buy for one time use! ;)

If you feel uncomfortable about attempting a repair, then I'm sure you can get an estimate locally and then decide - good luck! Dave :)
View attachment 75620
Here's some pictures that might help you see what's going on. (I had to use my computer's webcam to take these pics)
If you can't tell from my blurry webcam, there's a visible gap from where the volume down button is, all the way up to the upper right hand corner.


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Here's some pictures that might help you see what's going on. (I had to use my computer's webcam to take these pics).... If you can't tell from my blurry webcam, there's a visible gap from where the volume down button is, all the way up to the upper right hand corner.

Thanks for the pics - I've done a screen capture below and added a few questions - please address - seems to me a 'warp' (presumably drop on that corner?) which likely has opened the gap adjacent to your volume buttons - don't see any 'dents' where the buttons are located but there may be internal damage to the volume mechanism - you probably need a professional evaluation at an Apple store or authorized Apple repair shop - hopefully, others will 'chime in' w/ opinions - good luck! Dave :)
Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 6.21.15 PM.png
Thanks for the pics - I've done a screen capture below and added a few questions - please address - seems to me a 'warp' (presumably drop on that corner?) which likely has opened the gap adjacent to your volume buttons - don't see any 'dents' where the buttons are located but there may be internal damage to the volume mechanism - you probably need a professional evaluation at an Apple store or authorized Apple repair shop - hopefully, others will 'chime in' w/ opinions - good luck! Dave :)
View attachment 75632
1. That is a flash from my webcam. 2. Since you described what a warp is, I would say that is more of a warped side than a dent. And 3. Yes, that is where the gap is located at.
That's a pretty substantial bend ! I would recommend taking it to a reputable repair shop to get that along with the volume button issue fixed. If you are going to diy, I strongly recommend removing the glass, LCD and motherboard before doing so. Trying to bend it back as is may damage one or all of the above.
That's a pretty substantial bend ! I would recommend taking it to a reputable repair shop to get that along with the volume button issue fixed. If you are going to diy, I strongly recommend removing the glass, LCD and motherboard before doing so. Trying to bend it back as is may damage one or all of the above.

Thanks Brian for responding - looks like a 'professional' evaluation is needed and not an amateur attempt - Dave :)
That is different and more extensive than what I was thinking. A agree with Brian, that a pro shoul do it, unless you are experienced and comfortable enough to do it yourself. Holding in mind there is a substantial risk of damaging the iPad further.

What I was thinking was a slight warping of the aluminum between the bolume buttons; something I've seen personaly, and a couple times on the forum. Careful work with some small hand tools can fix that with little risk, and without opening the iPad.
Yeah, I should probably take the iPad to a professional, or just get a new apple device altogether. Thanks for all of your help! :)
Yeah, I should probably take the iPad to a professional, or just get a new apple device altogether. Thanks for all of your help! :)
Take in the iPad for an estimate first. If the repair cost is more than around $150.00 then consideration should be given to upgrading the iPad. BTW, the cost for Apple to repair the iPad would be about half of what it cost when new, making a repair by Apple not worth it based on the age of the iPad. In any case back up the iPad before having it repaired or replaced and you can set up the repaired or replaced iPad from that backup.

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