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Real newby


iPF Noob
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Delray Beach, Florida
Got my ipad...and now have to maintain my image of a good grammy..and know what I'm doing...my grandkids had bets I'd never learn the iphone..got myself 10 points for learning it...now the ipad...and I'm loving it so far..but have many questions.
Being somewhat electronically challenged, bear with me...I'm not stupid, just challenged lol...
Not sure if I can ask a quesiton here...someone direct me?
Thanks..love this new family of brilliant peoples...
Welcome snazzy5168! I don't know how brilliant this family is, but it is friendly.

What kind of question? Just look at the different headings in the forum and take your best guess. This is a real nice group and no one will jump on you for posting in the wrong place. They may suggest a better place, but no one will be mean.
Gail. Piko thanks so much...those few words mean alot.
First question is using the camera....nothing happens when i touch the icon...the scenery remains....not at all what happens on the iphone..is this a glitch or my lack of 'smarts'? lol...thanks
geez//just found the answer to my camera quesiton..duh...there isnt one..oh well...next generation ipad probably will...iphone is fine for now...
Have a great day, kids!!
geez//just found the answer to my camera quesiton..duh...there isnt one..oh well...next generation ipad probably will...iphone is fine for now...
Have a great day, kids!!

Hi Snazzy. I'm sorry that I didn't get back here yesterday, but am glad that you figured it out. I'm just as happy that it doesn't have a camera because the iPhone form factor is better for that. There are some programs that will let you use your iPhone camera with your iPad but I haven't tried any yet. If you try that be sure to let us know!
Thanks so much..you kids are really terrific...
Another question...is there any way to get into aol chat rooms?? I was hoping that I could do that with my ipad...as I can with my lap top...when I travel, its great to be able to do...
Dear Snazzy you are so cool

I have no doubt that if you can figure out the iPhone then you can figure out the iPad (perhaps with a little help but who doesn't need that)

Keepup the good work
Thanks so much..you kids are really terrific...
Another question...is there any way to get into aol chat rooms?? I was hoping that I could do that with my ipad...as I can with my lap top...when I travel, its great to be able to do...

AOL offers their chat app for the iPhone and iPad for free. Here's a link to the iPad version:

AIM for iPad

Abrennen..you're sweet for that..thanks....believe it or not..even when one is over 60...they do function...lol...I still in retirement consult to business...and by a quirk, ended up with another business based on the book I wrote...You better believe one needs iphones and ipads in this lifetime lol....
I'm struggling a bit with documents on ipad...but did figure out..if one reads instructions, one usually solves the problem..lol...
Later today I'm going to sit with ipad and study..and jot down my 'how to's'....and get back to y'all later...
Have an ipad-perfect day...

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