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Push or fetch?


iPF Noob
Mar 1, 2012
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Hi Guys, first time user.

I've a 64gb wireless only iPad 2 and was wondering if I'm not connected to a wireless network when a push message is sent from the server, will the iPad pick it up when I do connect to a network maybe an hour or two later? Or is fetch a better option?
slidingsash said:
Hi Guys, first time user.

I've a 64gb wireless only iPad 2 and was wondering if I'm not connected to a wireless network when a push message is sent from the server, will the iPad pick it up when I do connect to a network maybe an hour or two later? Or is fetch a better option?

Hi and welcome to the forum!
Yes, your iPad will pick up all pushed messages when it reconnects to a network, even after being out of touch for hours, or even days. I have my work email account on push and my personal one on fetch.

Never, never, never give up -- Winston Churchill
Hi Guys, first time user.

I've a 64gb wireless only iPad 2 and was wondering if I'm not connected to a wireless network when a push message is sent from the server, will the iPad pick it up when I do connect to a network maybe an hour or two later? Or is fetch a better option?

The push setting will make the iPad receive the e-mails as soon as you are connected to the Web. The Mail app does not need to be opened.

Fetch is when your Mail app only goes looking for new mail when you open it. Nothing will be sent until/unless you start the app. A lot of people use this to save battery - cause they can control when the action happens.

Hope this clarifies the two.

use fetch to save battery

if you dont care about battery life like me then put push. well i use email a lot
Mickey330 said:
Fetch is when your Mail app only goes looking for new mail when you open it. Nothing will be sent until/unless you start the app. A lot of people use this to save battery - cause they can control when the action happens.


In the interest of accuracy, that's only true if the interval is set to manual under the fetch settings. If you choose one of the other options it'll check however often is specified as long as there is a network connection, and connecting to wifi will trigger a fetch for all push notifications and accounts set for automatic fetch unless the network has been disconnect for less than the configured fetch interval :)
First time iPad user- When I reply/sent email from my desktop pc, can I view that reply/sent email on my iPad while I'm not near my desktop pc.

My email is not gmail or hotmail.

Or maybe I have to buy or setup something.

Really appreciated for any help.

Best regards,
Last edited:
Hi I decided not to post a new thread since my question is roughly in the lines of the present topic.

My idea is to set my Facebook app not to push but rather to fetch data (on 15 min intervals), so that I can conserve battery life, but receive my FB notifications on my iPad as quick as possible.

On my iPad, when I go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars Fetch New Data - I can see that I can disable Push and activate Fetch for 15min intervals instead. However, I am not sure whether this will change the settings for only my Exchange account or also for my FB app.

I can see "The schedule below is used when push is off or for applications which do not support push. For better battery life, fetch less frequently". In addition, when I go to Settings > Facebook > Push Notifications, I can switch off push for Messages, Wall Posts, etc, etc. However, nowhere do I see switch Fetch on for FB.

Two questions arise if I switch Push from the general Mail settings and switch to Fetch AND if I switch off all push notifications from the FB app settings, will that automatically switch Fetch for the FB app? Or will the FB app simply go silent forever :eek:?

I understand that some apps (rarely) would not support push. What about apps like the FB one which seems all they support is Push, and not Fetch?

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