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Photo Manager


iPF Noob
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
Costa del Sol, Spain
Which is the best photo organizer (free/paid) for the iPad, I heard that iOS 5 will have one is there any truth in this?.

I have about 200 albums (hundreds and hundreds of photos) created with Adobe Elements on my laptop, I have just bought the Photo Manager pro app but it won't import the Adobe folders without doing each one manually, you can import with an ftp client but only the folders that appear in My Photos, mine are all meaningless date/time names.

I need to import the folders (all a once) as they appear in the photos app so I can rearrange when neccessary.

Many thanks in advance!
Gerry N

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Take a look at Photo-Sort. On my Windows machine, I can set up a folder (network? Whatever it's called) where I can drag and drop folders into the app.

Just do a search on the app, I've written about it a couple of times. I'm not a shill or anything for it, I just like how it works for me with drop/drag/cut/paste... Of course, YMMV.

Then, there is another app people like called Photo Sync. I've not used it, but it is one other members here bring up a lot also.

Between those two, maybe one'll do ya? Good luck.

PhotoSync, which I do like, is not an organizer. It's just a way of copying photos between iDevices and computers. Very versatile that way, but has no organizing ability at all.

I've heard Photo Shack Pro (don't use it) will work with the native Photos app's database and let you create albums, etc that way. You could use the iTunes sync to sync Photos to folders on the computer and then organize them. Not sure that will work for you, since it still would not work directly with Elements, at least I'm pretty sure not.

The other option (if you can deal with only having access to them when you have internet) is to export your Adobe Element albums to one of the photo sharing sites: Flickr, Picasa, and the other Photo-Something-site that I can't remember at the moment.

Once there each site has excellent apps for viewing and organizing your albums.
Yes, iOS 5 has built in photo editing and management functions.

Thanks for all the help ....... I'm going to wait and see what iOS 5 will give me and take it from there, great forum to be a member of always super support
Cheers .................. Gerry N
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Yes, iOS 5 has built in photo editing and management functions.
Well, the new iOS 5 photo app still really doesn't have any management functions. You can copy a picture into a new folder, but not move it, essentially duplicating the space being taken up. :(
Well, no, you're not duplicating the photo.

What the Photo app does is create a link to your new photo album, not make another copy.

So, while it's not as if you actually moved the photo, at least it's not duplicated.

I finally uploaded my hundreds of photos to Dropbox it took about 18 hours. I have done a test import into the native photos app.... problems!

I have tagged all my photos with names and other info with Photoshop, Dropbox seems to have lost all this info.

Also as far as I can see you can only import one photo at a time, I may die running out of time before I have imported them all.

There has to be some way of getting them into the photo app apart from iTunes import, where you end up with NO control over folders, deleting etc

What are Apple thinking of with this app????

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Most here who want more control over their photo organization have long since moved to third party apps, like the one in the Thread's title. Along with Photo Manager Pro, Photo-Sort and Photo Shack Pro are popular.
I second photo shack pro, given how apple dropped the ball wi the improvements, it is the best, albeit a pricey option. For those of us that are jailbroken, an update to the photoalbums+ tweak updated for ios 5 is to be released soon. Until then, I bought Photo Shack Pro.
Without a doubt, Photo Manager Pro. Cost £1.49, from the app store. and I had complete control over my pics in minutes
Pete H
I'm very new to the forum and thread. Hopefully a quick and easy question. I have 10's of thousands of photos. I'd like to use my old iPad 1 to sort through them, delete some, move some around, etc, and have that reflected back in iPhoto when I sync. Does photo manager pro do that?
The only app I know of that may do what you want is Pixelsync. I have not tried it myself, but the reviews are encouraging.

I don't think it will do the actual deleting for you; but you should be able to flag files the way you want and then use that to delete or move them after syncing back to iPhoto.
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Thanks. I'll keep an eye on this. Looks v2.0 is what I'm looking for.

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