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New Replacement ipad2..Restore Back-up


iPF Noob
Feb 7, 2012
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ipad2 32gb wifi only - uk. Software version: 4.3.5 (8L1) - Model MC770B.

Hi Guys,

Well, i purchased my first ipad2 from currys in December 2011. Loved it as soon as i got it. At time i purchased it, it was running 4.3.5. The battery was unbelievable compared to my Galaxy 10.1 which i had previously solt (pure cheese). I started looking into IOS5 and came across the odd post about battery performance dropped on ios5 and the new update ios5.0.1. So, i was tempted to upgrade and get these 200 additional features (so they say) but thought id speak to Apple tech support guys first. I arranged 2 separate express lane calls just to get two different peoples views on the battery drain problem.

So, i got my 2 seperate calls over the 2 days, both guys said they had herd of the iphones 4/4s having problems, but both said they hadnt took any ipad2 calls themselves regarding battery issues on ipad2 on iso5.0/5.0.1.

That was enough, i was prepared to take the dive head first into upgrading to ios5.0.1.

Ohh..BIG mistake. Upgrade went ok, restored from previous back up ect, started using the ipad2 on a full 100% battery, straight away i could see the percentage was dropping quite rapid, just by surfing the net, emails, downloading a few wallpapers, and tried a few new small platform games out for few minutes on each. Now my ipad before i upgraded was lasting me between 5-7 days which was just medium usage of say couple of hours per day. Brightness was turned down, location services was on but not many apps using it, and id turn it totaly off at the end of each day.

So i went from having the best battery life i could ever wish for, to the worst of my fears, bit similar to my first galaxy tablet. I booked an express lane call, the guy booked me in at my local apple store to pick up my replacement. I asked if it would be possible to give me a new ipad2, running 4.3.5 and not an ios5 ipad2. He told me most if not all of there replacement ipads would be running ios5, he said see how i get on with new one, any probs then give them a shout and theyl get it esculated.

So here i am, gets home, undo the ipad2, turns her on and got a nice icon with usb cable asking to be plugged into itunes. Yup, i knew that this was no ios5 as its able to be set up using the ipad itself. So, basically this is my problem i would like someone to please help me out with..

I want to keep my ipad2 on 4.3.5 for now ok. I spend alot of time in hospital due to my severe illness so i need a good battery and stable ipad. I plugged into itunes and had the 2 choices, 1. set up as new ipad, 2. restore from previous back up, there was drop down box with 3 or 4 backups inc. my last one from the night before i did the swap over. That backup has some quite important notes on there, and bookmarks in safari to sites i got off some people who i met in hospital and just came across ect, and just the way i had it all set up with my folders and settings ect. Ive taken the option for now to set up as new ipad. I did this just to see what the battery is like and make sure it works fine ect, and to use until i get some help. Now, i know i can sync my purchased apps from within itunes, and my music ect.

Obviously somewere on my laptop, theres 4 back ups with these things i require on there. Is there anyway i can get my gmail contacts, my notes i made in notepad and my safari bookmars and bookmark folders?

Or, if i reset and erase content & settings, go right back to the start again, if i set up by choosing "Restore from last back-up" which was made on my last ipad2 running ios 5.0.1, will this automatically update my os to 5.0 or 5.0.1 with all my settings and data to how it was on my old ipad2, or, will it just do the restore from my last back up, and only put all my stuff back on, which is what id like, but my os would stay at 4.3.5.

If you say yes, it will restore my back up inc. the 5.0.1, what if i turn my wifi off, or is there anyway of getting around this to get my back-up on this new ipad, or can i drag the notes, safari bookmarks ect manualy somehow.

I just dont want to go back on ios5 now ive been so lucky and been handed a new ipad2 with 4.3.5 on.

If any genius out there can help me, it will put a big smile on a face what dont normally have much to smile about, and make my first Apple experience, a good one as it was before i hit ios5.

Sorry ive written too much rammle lol, suppose it wasnt all required.

My itunes version is:

ipad2 version:4.3.5 (8L1)

ipad2 32gb wifi only - uk.

Model MC770B.

Thank you so much for reading, and hopefuly help me.


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