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New Member Post


iPF Noob
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
NW New Mexico
Hi - I'm new here - so I guess on to the three questions:

Why are you interested in the iSlate?

I was a skeptic when the iPod first came out - was using Creative devices. But after I saw the growth and use of the iPod and iPhone - I think the iPad is going to be much more successful than conventional wisdom is saying. I started out with the first Newton and then an upgraded Newton (still angry at Apple for killing the Newton). I've also ran automation projects that deployed over 1500 tablet PC's to employees - so I'm familiar with the design. This is really going to be interesting.

What are your hobbies?

Technology, photography, cooking

What other gadgets are you using?

iPod Touch 32g
MacBook Pro 15
Hi - I'm new here - so I guess on to the three questions:

Why are you interested in the iSlate?

I was a skeptic when the iPod first came out - was using Creative devices. But after I saw the growth and use of the iPod and iPhone - I think the iPad is going to be much more successful than conventional wisdom is saying. I started out with the first Newton and then an upgraded Newton (still angry at Apple for killing the Newton). I've also ran automation projects that deployed over 1500 tablet PC's to employees - so I'm familiar with the design. This is really going to be interesting.

What are your hobbies?

Technology, photography, cooking

What other gadgets are you using?

iPod Touch 32g
MacBook Pro 15

iSlate was the speculated name....never official.

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