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Mail app and attachments


iPF Novice
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Is there a way to configure the mail app to NOT download attachments or messages whose size is over a certain limit? I frequently get large attachments on emails and would like to avoid this when using 4g on the iPad, cause it obviously eats data. Thanks.
I guess this can't be done, huh? :)
Not that I can find; not in any account type I have.

Mail does default to not downloading attachments over a certain size (at least it does for IMAP). I don't remember what that size is, but when it happens you get an attachment icon surrounded by a dotted line. You have to tap the icon to start the download.
Thanks for checking. I have noticed that some types of email only download the full message if you press some kind of link at the bottom. Might be an HTML thing of some sort,

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