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Keynote compatibility with native PowerPoint Slides (.ppt) for presentation


iPF Noob
Hi, I am in search of an iPad app that does powerpoint presentations natively. All my lecturing slides would be in .ppt files and has simple transitional and animation effects. Does Apple's Keynote support opening such powerpoint slides natively and allows for presentation mode where each bulletins on a slide are displayed one at a time on mouse click like it would be if the presentation was done on the PC?

I do not require much special features, just displaying of some simple data graphs (I am teaching economics), simple basic transition effects from one bullet point to the next, and a little bit of basic animations (e.g. some bullets spiralling in, etc).

Thanks in advance; I would like to hear from someone first before spending on the purchase.

Have you tried An app such as 'quick office', which allows you to view and edit office file on the iPad?


Have you tried An app such as 'quick office', which allows you to view and edit office file on the iPad?


Yes, I did, but unfortunately, it does not seem to present the transitions. Each tap simply changes the slide to the next and each slide is presented all at once instead of one bullet at a time on each mouse-click.

I would like to know if keynote supports transitions and animations as that is a key part of my presentation; I wouldn't want to reveal answers to questions prematurely.
I found this on keynotes for you, have a look at 2:32 When he talks about animations. Keynotes can play windows PowerPoint as well. It seems you can present transitions with keynote.
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I found this on keynotes for you, have a look at 2:32 When he talks about animations. Keynotes can play windows PowerPoint as well. It seems you can present transitions with keynote.

Thanks for your help. I am aware that Keynote can create animation, and I have no doubt that it can play Keynote animations created on the Mac, but my doubt is whether it supports the animation created on a PC in PowerPoint. Having "compatibility" could simply mean we can open PowerPoint files, not necessary supporting its features. Hence, it's a matter of how much compatibility. I have no doubts it should be able to open PowerPoint files just to view and edit them, but fully supporting its animation and transitions may not be the case.

I have seen Documents To Go and QuickOffice Premium, both only have compatibility to a certain extent; DTG can't even do presentation while QuickOffice does not support transition and animation effects. What I would like to know is if Keynote has the ability to understand and execute PowerPoint's transition and animation effects on a bullet-point by bullet-point basis, or does it simply ignores it and display the slide at one go.

I hope someone who has Keynote on the iPad could help me verify the extent of compatibility of PowerPoint animations and transition effects. Thanks.
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................I hope someone who has Keynote on the iPad could help me verify the extent of compatibility of PowerPoint animations and transition effects. Thanks.

Well I'm a retired academic radiology professor and used PowerPoint for years to give my lectures to the residents; I also have Keynote on my iPad2 (newest version compatible w/ iOS 5) - I have viewed a couple of my PPT lectures on Keynote - a minor font change was made and the wingdings that I used for my bullet lists were also changed; now I never used much animation or transitions in my slides so cannot really address your questions on that topic but I would suspect those being more complicated features in the MS program that there might be an issue - I guess that you would have to find someone w/ an iPad and the latest version of Keynote and put one of your PPT lectures on the device and view the results?

Now there have been a lot of threads on Apple's iWorks suite, so some searching if not already done may help?

Also check this comparison on office apps for the iPad HERE - I've not read the comments in a while but there is a discussion on PPT and Keynote - good luck and please post back your findings - :)
I have purchased Quick Office sometime ago and found that it is relatively useless for powerpoint. It does not capture graphs and tables properly and in most cases, not at all. You would be looking at a presentation slide where only the title is available and the crucial contents disappear. Fonts became big and ugly and overflow the boxes. You cannot use this to do presentation to people.

I have bought Keynote today for $9.99 and wow! it has more than 98% compatibility. All graphs, tables, charts are there. Animation from powerpoint works perfectly fine, particularly the builds. What did not show well was the zigzag connectors from one object to another came out as straight lines (which I can live with). Not all fonts are replicated exactly but at least the font size are maintained which means they fit in the boxes and do not overflow. Most important is that no words went missing. I can stand up and present this to audiences without much embarrassment.
I have purchased Quick Office sometime ago and found that it is relatively useless for powerpoint. It does not capture graphs and tables properly and in most cases, not at all. You would be looking at a presentation slide where only the title is available and the crucial contents disappear. Fonts became big and ugly and overflow the boxes. You cannot use this to do presentation to people.

I have bought Keynote today for $9.99 and wow! it has more than 98% compatibility. All graphs, tables, charts are there. Animation from powerpoint works perfectly fine, particularly the builds. What did not show well was the zigzag connectors from one object to another came out as straight lines (which I can live with). Not all fonts are replicated exactly but at least the font size are maintained which means they fit in the boxes and do not overflow. Most important is that no words went missing. I can stand up and present this to audiences without much embarrassment.

Does that mean the animation WITHIN a slide itself? For example, objects appearing one at a time within the same slide?

If it is, that would be what I am looking for. Could you clarify?
Hi Everyone

I am really surprised because I just buy today Keynote for Mac (thinking that it will be much more easy to work on, and that it have more options). I've needed it because I have some PPT presentation with animation that does NOT work on IPAD and then I had several test with Keynote but all test have done give me the same result >>> I loose all animaton even if I have created my slides on Keynote (and have not been imported from PPT)

Please any help on that... Why I cant see any animation (because it works well on the preview on my Mac in Keynote) but as soon as I open the file (PPT, PPS or .key) no animation anymore

:( :mad: I have paid 15 euros for it !!! grrrr
Double check that the File type is not PPTX e.g. office later than office 2003 onwards. e.g PPT of Office 97 2003 Presentation

To get better compatibility while in Powerpoint save the files as PPT (office 2003)
You will find apaprt from font incompatibilities that most transitions will work (both Slide and object transitions)

Things to keep in mind when creating PowerPoints:
If using office 2007 onwards (PPTX) avoid usinging SmartArt. If it's a must then avoid having transitions within SmartArts.
SmartArts do not yet convert well in Keynote and will get all messed up.
When converting a PPTX with Smart art to PPT you'll find when you open in Keynote the Formatting is correct but everything becomes a single image and uneditable. Which can be good if it's the final version.

Another option if formatting is of most importance and you don't do transitions or sounds is to save the powerpoint slide as a PowerPoint PICTURE Presentation.

Hope that helps.

Sorry I'm no help for those without a Microsoft Powerpoint Installation available

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