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Keep Fingerprints off iPad


iPF Noob
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Marietta, GA - USA
One way some have discovered to keep fingerprints off the iPad screen is to don thin medical latex gloves.

Works if your a Doc or nurse.

There is even one capitalistic wit who is selling just the fingers from these gloves for $5 a pop.
At that price he is recommending you roll them up and reuse them -eck!
LOL...just gave me a great picture in my head...thanks for the laugh.
Or...finger socks by Under Armour, finger booty's by Nike and finally...the rubber finger moccasins by Rockport! - lol
I'm not having any problems with fingerprints. I just make sure my hands are fairly clean before using it. Nothing obsessive, just generally clean. It's been since Friday since I've had to wipe off. I consider 3 to 4 days between wipes as pretty good.
I'm not having any problems with fingerprints. I just make sure my hands are fairly clean before using it. Nothing obsessive, just generally clean. It's been since Friday since I've had to wipe off. I consider 3 to 4 days between wipes as pretty good.
I got a kick out of this. Oily fingers is pretty natural and healthy. No matter how much you wash, the oil will be there. Actually washing yourself to much can be a health issue. That oil on your fingers is totally natural. Or maybe you use your iPad very little, and don't have to clean it as much. Either way, when the screen is on, the prints are pretty tough to see.
One way some have discovered to keep fingerprints off the iPad screen is to don thin medical latex gloves.

Works if your a Doc or nurse.

There is even one capitalistic wit who is selling just the fingers from these gloves for $5 a pop.
At that price he is recommending you roll them up and reuse them -eck!
rubber gloves....really?

not that anyone should care, but is it a wonder why I am spending less time at this forum.......
Seeing all that gunk on the screen is just a reminder to me that its on shopping carts, door handles, et. al. And much worse and hidden. Blech........

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