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Just got my ipad and need some help


iPF Noob
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I have the wi fi version. Does anyone else with this model have issues with the wi fi dropping? It's connected, then before i do anything it's gone. Sometimes it will be there for 10 mins or so then gone again. (i have a router in the house so is my own connection not a cafe or anything like that)

Also I downloaded some pics from my facebook album onto my ipad, they put them in all one album and I want them in different albums and to name them.

Any help would be appreciated, I am using a pc with vista cause I didn't realize that I can't plug in the ipad into my mac with os10.4.11. :(

The iPad has been said to have spotty WiFi, that said I use an Airport Express here and the iPad works like a charm. Make sure your Router has the latest firmware.
Common problem. I restored my OS last week and I don't know if it's a coincidence but my wifi hasn't dropped since.
The iPad has been said to have spotty WiFi, that said I use an Airport Express here and the iPad works like a charm. Make sure your Router has the latest firmware.

Do you think that will improve with a OS update?

What is an Airport Express? How do I update firmware? The router is connected to the Mac.

My wifi works perfectly with my AirPort Extreme Base Station at home. Also works perfect with a very old Linksys WRT54G at my parents house.

I did have some spotty wifi when visiting a family member at a hospital this week but that's the only time so far. It still worked 90% of the time, and knows to know if that's their wireless AP's or the iPad itself.
The only way you can orginize pictures for the iPad is to do them on your computer and sync thru iTunes.. I know a pain. And the wifi drops usually happen on certain wifi encryption pass codes and should be fixed with os4 in the fall. I never drop connection on an open network and regular WEP password.
The only way you can orginize pictures for the iPad is to do them on your computer and sync thru iTunes.. I know a pain. And the wifi drops usually happen on certain wifi encryption pass codes and should be fixed with os4 in the fall. I never drop connection on an open network and regular WEP password.

If you have an iPhone, the Photo Transfer app is awesome. Every few days, I transfer photos over WiFi from my iPhone to my iPad. Works like a charm.
The only way you can orginize pictures for the iPad is to do them on your computer and sync thru iTunes.. I know a pain. And the wifi drops usually happen on certain wifi encryption pass codes and should be fixed with os4 in the fall. I never drop connection on an open network and regular WEP password.

Thanks, ya I figured that out when I brought some pics over from my mac onto the pc laptop and loaded them threw itunes. Is a pain. I dunno why they didn't make it so you could change them around on the ipad the same as you would do for the apps.

I loose the connection in my house, sitting in the same spot with my own router and password. :confused: So is all I can do it wait or would resetting the ipad help?

The only way you can orginize pictures for the iPad is to do them on your computer and sync thru iTunes.. I know a pain. And the wifi drops usually happen on certain wifi encryption pass codes and should be fixed with os4 in the fall. I never drop connection on an open network and regular WEP password.

If you have an iPhone, the Photo Transfer app is awesome. Every few days, I transfer photos over WiFi from my iPhone to my iPad. Works like a charm.

That's cool, yes i do. Though can you decide where what album it goes on the ipad?
I have an iPod Touch (two of them actually) and an iPad and I did notice that the WiFi signal strength indicator is not as strong on the iPad as either of iPods.
I did some changes to my router settings that the apple website suggested. It is better, I can go for longer periods of being connected. Still drops though, but comes back faster/easier. Better but not great.

Sometimes it says in the top left corner I am connected but safari and other net apps say I'm not connected.

I think I will call Apple tomorrow.
I did some changes to my router settings that the apple website suggested. It is better, I can go for longer periods of being connected. Still drops though, but comes back faster/easier. Better but not great.

Sometimes it says in the top left corner I am connected but safari and other net apps say I'm not connected.

I think I will call Apple tomorrow.

Well this is driving me bloody crazy, i have this exact same thing...

I'm currently with sky, here in the UK using a netgear router, now i get this very fast, "lost connection" and before you know it its back on, now i know you could say, oh well its only small, but i think it bloody stinks, and is so annoying, for a 430 pound device, that simply its main purposse is to have a 100% connection all the time.

A few other things to point out, now all the stories you hear ,saying its the device, its Apple, its whatever, well I'm a pc tech as well, and i can tell you right now,in my opinion, its all linked to routers and the way the ipad connects to yours specifically...( by the way it JUST happened, lol).

Anyway, i come back to the router, you see it is so obvious that is the problem, as it only effects some ipad customers, i will actually say right now, any future update from apple, will not cure the problem if you are one of the unlucky ones.

Now you have a few choices, none of which i may add, i have done yet, you can try and change recomended settings on your router, and you may, cure it, you could also try a different router, i will be testing this theory soon, as i do have a spare one to try.

So guys, i would actually suggest finding a working router and trying one.

I will say however i have seen a post from someone that has the same router as me, and yet has no problems, so that puts my thoery in some doubt you may say, i think not, something else must be not right.

I will finish with something that also convinces me its router problems...my macbook, does the same thing, no were near as often, but it does lose my wifi connection.

So guys, i would like some sort of thread made, were we can have folks put there router settings in, something like...router type, security type, and some other stuff.

I will keep you guys posted, on my change of router.
It really is annoying to say the least, i just hope i find the problem soon.

Any extra info guys appreciated.

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