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Is there a non-flaky AVI player for iPad?


iPF Noob
Oct 3, 2010
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I have tried the VLC player, CineXplYer, yuvplayer and all are flaky as hell playing AVI files.

VLC crashes at all odd times or the images are jerky and sound not synchronized.

CineXplayer is no better. It suddenly shows corruption onscreen and then the movie continues with no sound. I have to restart to get sound till it happens again and again. Some 1/2 hour TV series I downloaded stop numerous times.

Why are such flaky apps allowed on the app store?

The movies play with no problem on my PC with windows, yet so much hassle with the iPad. Even converting them is flaky with other odd problems that show up and besides I don't have the time to spend hours converting to mp4 only to find other problems.

Any suggestions are welcome.
They all suck, to be frank.

Try streaming them using AirVideo to from your Mac or PC - that is a wonderful experience. I've watched hundreds of hours of video that way, and it's a treat.
OPlayer HD

I have tried the VLC player, CineXplYer, yuvplayer and all are flaky as hell playing AVI files.

Any suggestions are welcome.

It may be me and a 64GB iPad but I have had very good results with OPlayer HD.

VLC has been a disappointment too.
I use OPlayer on the road and AirVideo while at home. Air video is definitely smoother.
IMHO, Cinexplayer is slightly better than OPlayer, Oplayer is better than VLC.
The big things is OPlayer plays more of my vids. Before a trip, I will load up a few vids in Cinexplayer and try them. If they don't play, I move them into OPlayer.
I like Cinexplayer overall but it hangs on a lot of videos I have so I have to give Oplayer the nod. For around the house, AirVideo is the way to go.
Try BUZZ Player. A little problem if you pause and resume, the audio may be a little out of synch. But after a few seconds, it will go back to normal. Initially I always used OPlayer but had switched to BUZZ Player

And it has better support for subtitle
I have tried the VLC player, CineXplYer, yuvplayer and all are flaky as hell playing AVI files.

Any suggestions are welcome.

It may be me and a 64GB iPad but I have had very good results with OPlayer HD.

VLC has been a disappointment too.

Thanks 4Phun

tested it out and though it does show some patchiness and blockiness at times it appears more stable than the others. Also so far no crash. Will test some more.
Try BUZZ Player. A little problem if you pause and resume, the audio may be a little out of synch. But after a few seconds, it will go back to normal. Initially I always used OPlayer but had switched to BUZZ Player

And it has better support for subtitle

Thanks K77

I have had a look at the Buzz player and for $ 2 it sure has a number of nice features I could use. Will test it out and see how it handles the files that VLC & CineX player choke on.

For those iPad users who have problems with crashing apps like vlc and it's ilk I have found a very useful utility called Memory Doctor. I can run it and clean out the garbage left behind in memory using its refresh memory function. Very useful when VLC has crashed again and keeps itself in memory leaving just 10 mb for me to work with. Before that I had to reboot to recover the memory. Now I use memory doctor.
Many,AirVideo is OK.

Thanks, but I was looking for an iPad solution. I can already watch videos on my pc as I stated. Air video will not help me when I am 1000 miles from home.

I think I have finally found it in the Buzz player which has worked very well so far and includes streaming.
Hasn't anyone noticed the shading pixelation on VLC? Is it just me or does it look like a VGA image circa 1988. cinexplayer has the best rendering, but it crashes relentlessly.
For me now, the search has ended.

Buzz player, I have found to be the most steady with least problems (except the sync of sound after a pause) but no crashes and plays all my videos.

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