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iPad DJ Application


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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Mixr is described as the "first ever professional DJ application for iPad." The multi-touch app features cross-fading, equalizing, cue, drang & drop tracks, and full effects such as delays and auto filter.

Mixrs turntables look and feel just like real the real thing. To mix your music, all you have to do is touch the vinyl records with your fingers. You can play it, stop it, run it backwards and even control the pitch and scratch! To manipulate the sound, simply rotate the vinyl with your fingers...
Wow.. just wow. Not an app that I would buy. But the creativity and scope of possibilities are overwhelming!

Its a computing revolution I tell you! Mouse? Who needs a stinkin' mouse! :)
My only question about DJ apps is will you be able to somehow tap the second track?
I agree with kilofox, Wow!. It is very cool to see something that would be very difficult if not impossible to implement without multi-touch. I can't wait to see what else devs come up with :).
Wow.. just wow. Not an app that I would buy. But the creativity and scope of possibilities are overwhelming!

Its a computing revolution I tell you! Mouse? Who needs a stinkin' mouse! :)

Who would have thunk it !! Pianos and dj equipment and airplanes and the device has not even been seen yet. Can't imagine what it is going to be like when people look over the thousands of apps seeing what the iPad can do and say why not do this with it. Exciting times, historic times.
they make a splitter that splits the signal into 2 mono tracks (one PFL and one master out) then you use 2 mono to stereo adapters and you have the ability to listen to the cue track in the headphones (but not a blend like you can on most dj mixers) and the crowd gets the mixxed product. AT least that is how the Red Bull BPM app and djay work. Other apps do not let you have a PFL and you can actually dj by site with the wave forms and line up the beats with that like sonosaurus rex and dj mixer 3.

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