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Instagram Gets First Update Since Being Snapped Up By Facebook


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Cnet reports that Instagram has received its first big update since it was bought by Facebook. Don’t worry though, it hasn’t got lots of blue borders all over it now, it’s still the same tasteful app it used to be, only it now looks even snazzier, with a revamped profile tab, a new “Explore†feature, which replaces the “Popular†tab as well as having a new icon, and which lets you search for users and tags. Improvements have also been made to commenting, and you can use search autocompletes based on people that you follow. General tweaks include visual improvements and speed optimizations. Possibly the one real indication of the new Facebook ownership, although in fairness a very discreet one, is the new ability to share your likes to Facebook, via Profile>Sharing Settings>Facebook. As Cnet notes, having soared to the top of the charts after being acquired by Facebook, Instagram is now in sixth place. It’s still a hugely popular app, even so, and well worth downloading if you don’t already have it.

Click here to download the free app: App Store - Instagram

Source: Instagram updates to 2.5 with 'visual improvements' | Internet & Media - CNET News

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