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Icloud syncing between ipad, iphone, macbook problems


iPF Noob
Hey guys,
My ipad is not syncing between iPhone/Mac. iCal is the big issue. It did sync over iCloud when I first got it...noe its stopped. Any ideas???

Help,, thanks
Visit iCloud.com on a computer and make sure your events are there.

Now go to the iCloud settings on each device and turn them off, tell it to delete them from that device, then turn them back on.

Hopefully that will give it the kick in the pants it needs.
I have an iPad 2, an iPhone 4 and a PC. I am tying to download 5.0 so I can use cloud. When I sync the iPad between the PC (iTunes) and iPad, it runs for hours and tells me it is syncing but actually it is hung up. Any help or ideas? Thank you

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